AUGUST 21-23, 20 15


In the far southeastern corner of Arizona are the beautiful Chiricahua Mountains, one of several “sky island” mountain ranges surrounded by expansive desert grasslands. The Chiricahua Mountain Range is an inactive volcanic range twenty miles wide and forty miles long. It forms part of the Mexican Highland section of the Basin and Range Biogeographical Province and rises up dramatically from the valley floor to over nine thousand feet, cresting in a series of uneven, volcanic looking peaks. At the northern end of the range is an extraordinary area of striking geological features and enormous biodiversity. Tucked deep into these steep, forested valleys and beneath the craggy peaks are the remains of violent geological activity—the pinnacles, columns, spires and balanced rocks of Chiricahua National Monument. The Apaches called this place 'The Land of Standing-Up Rocks', a fitting name for an extraordinary rock wonderland.

We take care of every aspect of this memorable trip with an experienced naturalist leading the spectacular journey.

We pick you up and transport you through scenic southern Arizona to the beautifully cool Chiricahua National Park in southeastern Arizona.  Once there we set up camp at 5400 feet elevation in the Bonita Campground Group Site and enjoy an afternoon hike along Bonita Creek .  We return to the camp site after the refreshing walk to the smell of a campfire and dinner cooking.  As the light fades the campfire and company gets warm and the day is capped with traditional S'Mores made over a campfire.  We fall asleep to the soothing sounds of the clear forest night.  We awaken to the smell of camp coffee and omelets cooking and enjoy a hearty breakfast before our adventure-packed day begins.  We pack our lunches and take the scenic drive to Massai Point and start our day’s hike at 6870 ft.  We then enjoy either the remarkable 4.5 mile Echo Park/Ryolite Canyon hike or the extraordinary 6.3 mile hike with optional scenic 1 mile side trip to Inspiration Point or astonishing 1.1 mile Heart of Rocks loop.  We finish our fantastic trek back at 5400 ft elevation weary but invigorated.   After a tasty dinner we enjoy laughter and stories around the campfire while re-telling the stories of our amazing day in the mountains. After a well-deserved sleep we enjoy another great breakfast in the cool mountain morning. Once camp is dismantled, then it's back home, with a short stop at Dairy Queen enroute to reward ourselves for a job well done.

Camping amongst the cool pines at 5400 feet elevation, hikers enjoy visiting before dinner in the cool mountain air.

Chiricahua National Monument features 17 miles of maintained trails in a monument that is 87% wilderness. Trails vary in degree of difficultly. The trails offer spectacular views of balanced rocks, spires, pinnacles, and formations such as Punch and Judy, Thor's Hammer, and Duck on a Rock.

In the Chiricahua Mountains, the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts, and the Rocky Mountain and Sierra Madre ranges all meet. The convergence of these four biomes makes this area unusually rich in both floral and faunal biodiversity.

Desert Wildlife Presentations is an educational company which specializes in teaching the importance of flora and fauna by helping people to understand the wonders of nature through hands-on experiences.



